the 4-month 1:1 HEALTH OPTIMISATION programme to rebalance, heal & TRANSFORM your HEALTH so that you can feel your most energised, vibrant & balanced self.

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Does this sound like you?

You’re regularly dealing with a list of symptoms that prevent you from feeling your best such as low energy, bloating, low mood, anxiety or acne.

You can sometimes spend the majority of your cycle struggling with painful/heavy or irregular periods & or intense PMS.

You’re up and down throughout your month – you can feel really high but then other times really low & anxious.

You feel confused and overwhelmed by all of the information you see online and you don’t know where to begin.

You find yourself jumping on different health trends, making dietary changes & trying supplements you’ve seen others take but with no improvements.

You feel like your disconnected from yourself, like something is “off” with your health & your body but you just don’t know what it is?

Imagine                        when you get to:

your life

Finally clear your endless list of symptoms & imbalances and feel your best self again.

Wake up every day feeling refreshed and supercharged with energy ready to tackle the day ahead.

Say goodbye to intense cycles & hello to a cycle that comes & goes with pure ease & WITHOUT pain, heaviness, PMS or irregularities.

Feel and look the best you ever have. Where bloating is a thing of the past and your glowing from the inside out. 

Consistently be the happiest, most inspired and motivated version of yourself. Feel in love with your life and without periods of darkness/low moods.

Feel empowered every day with the knowledge & power to nourish yourself from the inside out.

whatsapp message grace
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Trust me, I’ve been in your exact shoes. 8 years ago I hit complete rock bottom with my health. I had severely imbalanced hormones and was suffering with irregular/painful/heavy cycles, intense PMS, persistent bloating & gut issues, acne & very low mood.

I couldn’t get the help I needed to feel better through western medicine & so I decided enough was enough & took the matters into my own hands as I went back to school to study to become a naturopathic nutritionist. During this time, as I put into practice what I learnt I was able to heal & completely transform my health & heal.

And the best part is I did all of this without extreme intense diets, without restricting myself from all of my favourite foods, without having to make intensive recipes with 1000s of ingredients & without having to take tons and tons of different supplements at once. In fact, once I figured out the way to rebalance my body with nutrition & wellness, my healing journey became so simple.

I’ve since supported 100s & of women to also completely transform their health & life too using my bespoke method & tools and I can’t wait to show you how too.

Achieving this is SO possible for you & gets to be so simple…

Client Results

read full testimonials

"When I first started with Grace I was at rock bottom with my health. Grace turned my life around. I now have daily habits I use and have learnt to love nutrition. I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today without her support. It has been truly life changing."

-Tilly Hayden

"Working with Grace has been life changing."

Client Results

read full testimonials

I finished the programme a couple of months ago and my body is totally different, I have regular cycles that were non existent before, clearer skin and gut improvement. My body and mind feels so much better now!"

-Paige Cook

"I can honestly say that taking part in Graces hormone rebalancing programme has been the best self-investment I have ever made!"

Client Results

read full testimonials

I went to Grace with a long list of issues and we worked together over the months to address them individually and honestly I was left feeling like a new person inside and out. Within 4 months of working with Grace, my acne cleared right up, slept like a baby, energy levels increased and was consistent throughout the day, periods on track and barely noticeable, and I hadn’t got sick at all. I also noticed massive changes to my physical and mental health! All I can say to Grace is thank you.. Thank you for helping me unlock confidence and a well balanced life!

-Ellie Martin

"Working with Grace honestly changed my life… best decision I ever made. "

Client Results

read more testimonials

I was in a really bad place when I reached out to Grace. I lived with constant debilitating symptoms that were making it really hard for me to function and run my busy business. Now 6 months down the line, Im pretty much symptom free! After the first few weeks I noticed a massive difference in my pain levels, my sleep, my energy levels and my cycle just didnt seem to bother me any more. I cant encourage others enough to reach out to Grace, it will change everything!

-Emily Little

"I cant encourage others enough to reach out to Grace, it will change everything!"

Throughout the whole month you will have direct access to my client portal app to access direct online messaging with me to ask any questions & receive further guidance & support. Mid way through each month, we will also have a 15 minute phone call to check in & support accountability with your plan. 

support & coaching via chat & check in callS

Step 3.

Following on from our first session, I will then create for you your first bespoke wellness plan & blueprint. This will consist of nutrition, lifestyle & supplement factors to rebalance your body and with your personal goals in mind. Along with a selection of handpicked recipes/sample menu plans/wellness tools.

creation of your bespoke wellness plan

Step 2.

Once you’ve booked in to start your rebalance journey, we will begin with a 60-minute consultation. In this session we will deep into understanding where you currently are in your health journey & what your goals are for the programme. Looking at medical history, symptoms analysis and food & lifestyle evaluations.

your first session

Step 1.

Each month we will then have 30 minute follow up consultations to review your progress, celebrate your wins & discuss next steps. I will then create an updated bespoke wellness plan with adjustments & additions. 

monthly consultations

Step 4.


whatsapp message grace
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recipes, menu plans & wellness tools

bespoke nutrition, supplement & lifestyle plans

Bi weekly 15 minute check in coaching phone calls

4 months of Monthly 1:1 60-30 minute online consultations

Whats Included:

Referral & analysis for Functional testing/blood test results

Unlimited 1:1 chat access via my online messenger app 

To book in with Grace for the 1:1 programme follow the link below to enquire via whatsapp or email to enquire.

How To Book

ready to go?

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